jour fixe initiative berlin (2018)

4 February–1 July 2018

Event Series

Guest at nGbK

nGbK event space, Oranienstraße 25


Patrick Eiden-Offe, Titus Engelschall, Bernd Gehrke, Jochen Klingner, Felix Klopotek, Rehzi Malzahn, Elfriede Müller, Tadzio Müller

With lecture series on the critique of domination, exploitation and immaturity, the “jour fixe initiative berlin” offers a platform for discussion and theory formation within the radical left and seeks to contribute to overcoming capitalist socialisation.

2018: Häretische Kommunismen - Die Neuerfindung der Zukunft

The Russian Revolution in 1917 opened the gates to an emancipatory society, but humanity did not seize the opportunity, the kairos was missed. In the current accelerated age of neoliberal capitalism, these gates can barely be discerned on the horizon.
Therefore, it is high time to talk about communism. Even if a solidary society is still far away, there is no orientation without a goal. Since there is no single form of communism, we speak of communisms and thus overcome the ban on images. At issue are historical and contemporary communisms; forgotten, suppressed, marginalized, peripheral and defeated communist ideas and practices will be discussed based on pivotal problems of a liberated society. Which key aspects of a communist society must be realised from a global perspective to gain social hegemony for an emancipatory alternative?